Now, it's becoming harder and harder to find free checking - especially when there's no way you're going to be able to talk someone into switching to direct deposit who hands you a handwritten paycheck every week and thinks that automated payments are for losers. Yes, seriously.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to get free checking without two direct deposits every month?!

I'm more than happy to be profiled if it means that I might get an offer for something I would be buying at full price anyway. I'm sure that for some people this would mean temptation (which is really the whole point of coupons, I guess) but I usually exercise pretty good self control. However, when a deal comes up on Groupon or LivingSocial that I know I will use and would have bought anyway, buying it really saves me money. And if the banks can get back a chunk of the change they've lost, that could save me even more money if the banks loosened up a bit.
An interesting concept, and one I'm excited to see go into motion. What do you think?