Friday, January 7, 2011

Ebates Referral Bonus!

I have an extreme love affair with Ebates. I was already in love with the convenience of online shopping, so when Ebates came along offering cash back on shopping at some of my favorite stores I was hooked and have been using it for 2 years now.

I've told a lot of my friends about it, but only a couple of people have signed up. I'm not sure why that is. Maybe people think that all money back offers are scams of some sort. It is a little bit different to earn money back on a purchase and not get it until later, but it's not that different from a 10% off sale - you just have to wait a little while before you get that discount. I guess it's more like a mail in rebate.

I think the other problem is that a lot of people don't buy into the PigPennies philosophy. They don't think that a few pennies here and a few dollars there really add up. The smallest amount I've ever gotten back for an Ebates purchase was 24 cents. I purchased thank you cards after my wedding from Office Depot for $11.99. They were adorable; I purchased them online and picked them up in store a few hours later to avoid shipping costs, and Office Depot gave me 2% of my purchase back. This may sound like nothing, but combined with another 6 purchases that quarter I received a check for $20.67. It really does all add up.

Right now Ebates is offering a generous referral bonus. If you refer 3 people between January 1st and February 28th they'll double your referral bonus so you get $30! If you're already using Ebates, now is a great time to let your friends in on your secret! If you're not using Ebates, consider signing up using my referral link. There's even still enough time for you to sign up and share the Ebates awesomeness with your friends! Not to mention that as a new member you'll receive a $5 sign up bonus. Remember, every penny counts!

Feel free to share your favorite stores on Ebates, or your tips for getting referrals in the comments. Happy shopping and happy savings!

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